Not moving forward

Or in full:
“You are winning where you are at,
but you are not moving forward.”

It’s time.
You can feel it.
The minds are shifting.
I had always hoped it would be
a shift towards
a more peaceful
and harmonious state.
But far from it. 

It seems there is a growing divide.
A precipice as astronomical
as the heavens.
A yawning abyss as bottomless
as hell.
A gap as wide as time itself.
And people scattered
on either side of it,
and at the top,
and the bottom of it.

Living right next to each other.
All the while,
impossibly far apart.
A seething and concealed
kind of intense hatred.

An invisible divide
with the power
to separate neighbours,
split emotions in half
and dismember extremities.
A sharp rise in schizophrenia
and self-mutilation
with all the stabbing side-effects.

All this progress
has been fake.
We have regressed
into something atrocious
whilst constantly changing attires
and changing the face of our lives
to look ever more sophisticated.
We have not advanced
but we have fabricated
increasingly ingenious contraptions
to accomplish our growing bloodlust
and feed our desire for carnage.
It may look like evolution
but it is not.

It is a sorry tale, really.
I don’t even know
how to describe it.
Words like pitiful
and undeserving
or disgusting
come to mind.

In the midst
of all this natural beauty
we are sorely out of place,
crafting a diseased deformation
that will cripple and infect
these innocent surroundings
that took millions of years to perfect
and leave our children
scarcely alive,
ploughing pointlessly
in this sick, rotting soil,
parched at these tainted ponds
and wheezing forcefully
in this noxious, burning air.

All because
you can not see
how to move forward
in unison.

EU survey

I found a link to this very lengthy EU survey,
to investigate the need for counter measures
to the dumping tactics of the Chinese economy,
shows how far from reality the EU really is.
And just how little politicians care
about people and society,
by which they are elected.

Their focus is purely
on the market and the stock exchange,
which dictate their every move.
A problem that extends way beyond EU politics,
of course.

You a*holes should have done this survey
internally and over 30 years ago
when you all started to feel comfortable
with buying grossly under-priced sweatshop goods
from Asian countries.

But I guess it was ok back then
for all of our production
to get outsourced
and for you to play the benevolent and enlightened master
over these new colonies?
Making shitloads of money
on the backs of the local population.

You are the ones
that have allowed our economy
to get dismantled and crippled
to this extent.
You have made us all
dependent on the whims of the market.

I’m not in favour

of dismantling the entire EU
but a thorough clean sweep
would be advisable.

Let’s start by cutting the pay
of all politicians to about 20%
of what they make now
and block all accumulation of mandates.
So we can have people in office
with a true calling
for politics and social welfare.
I’m sick of seeing
grossly overpaid and highly corrupted imbeciles
in charge of an ever more senseless administration.

Let’s sanction,
and I mean really sanction,
all power players that are on the take
and let’s outlaw the stock exchange
as it is purely fictional anyway.
I can’t believe that my day to day life
is being directed
by the output of an algorithm.

I want a redistribution
of power and wealth.
I want verification.

I want
99% of wealth
to belong to
99% of the population.

Someone took all the magic

It is a combination of things.
The darkness of these winter months.
The tedious rhythms of everyday life.
The weight of the changes imposed on most of us.
The unfair distribution of means.
The pointless nature of our undertakings. 
I’m staring blankly ahead
and feel overwhelmed
and somewhat lost.
I’m tired of composing myself.
Of keeping up the appearance
of joyful prospects.
There will be great moments
but there will not be any purpose
if I stay on this road.
I need a more drastic shift
in my life.
Something that scares me
and steers away from the relentless
and debilitating securities 
I am building around myself.

I have allowed myself
to become afraid of losing things
ignoring the fact that 
loss is a natural thing.
Things have to wane and rot
in order to truly exist.
Magic is in the extremities of life.
Not in the grey murky middle
that we call reassurance.
Let’s do a sound minimum
to ensure a decent future.
But let’s not overcompensate
for our losses.
Let’s go out 
and make beautiful magic. 

We are the Self

This short idiom has been leaping
and prancing through my mind,
the past weeks.
Maybe months.
Cavorting somewhere
in the back rooms of my reason.
Creating quite the ruckus
as far as to keep me awake
for days on end.
It is a premise.
My personal hypothesis.
My supposition of what our world,
and more specifically,
our social structures and interactions
should be based on.
It’s not a creed I methodically live by,
but it certainly is an aspiration of where I would like
a (yes, this) society to advance towards.
A little assist for evolution and illumination.
A new Theory, if you will.
Very presumptuous, I know
but the current order is way more repulsive.
So I will take my liberties here,
in my tiny domain.
Call me arrogant,
I get called far worse every day.
Let’s be honest.
Nothing works.
Let me correct that.
Nothing that is touched and organised
by human hands,
It all breaks down the beauty
of this planet
one drop,
one forest,
one species,
one miracle at a time.
It all steers toward death.
And we die along with it.
Be it slowly,
but irrefutably.
We behave like a creeping poison
petrifying one vein after the other.
I know I’m not alone in thinking
that we do not need to stay locked
in this plummeting spiral.
That’s why so many of us
are doing all those little
but magnificent things
to change our devastating bearing.
That’s why we hope
our ant’s hope,
facing the titans of convention.
Because anything is better
than the odds we are facing now.
So in believing that
We are the self
I start by assuming that we are the same.
We are all the same.
If you strip down the repressive layers
like the obvious tyranny of state and market,
but also the more surreptitious coercions
like religion, culture and morality,
and some of the biological differences
like skin colour, morphology and language
we really are the same, no?
Underneath all of that muddle
we all want the same things.
Freedom: meaning independence,
self-determination and choice.
Security: meaning safety,
refuge and sanctuary.
Sustainability: meaning mainly procreation
and to some degree, ecological stability.
All these notions combined
help to ensure and support our survival.
I’m guessing that all the raw psychology
underlying these mechanisms
is fundamentally the same in all of us.
I mean,
in the end,
we have the same objectives.
We are of one mind and
of one feeling.
Of one self.
I’d like to think that
this collective self
can be addressed.
Called upon.
Without human constructions.
The mode to address it
is universal even beyond
the bounds of this planet or galaxy.
And as simple as it is immeasurable.
It is the mystical energy we tap into
when we play music to one another.

We have spawned a monster

I don’t really like
to write rhyme,
when it is not set to music.
Because it has a pathetic ring to it.
It really reads like
trying to hard.

Probably because
I’m not good enough at it.
I can easily admit to that.
On the other hand
it is the best container for thoughts.
It is the way it came out.
Excuses, excuses,

Look at how
they make infinite use of finite means.
Look at how
they bleed us out as oil for their machines.
Look at how
they regulate financial instruments.
Look at them
exterminate in their exuberance.
Look at how
they pay the party to command these chairs.
Look at their
dysfunctional democracy repairs.
Look at all
those massive heaps of concentrated wealth.
Look at all
the fraudulent displays of social health.
Look at how
they tap into our minds and attitudes.
Look at how
consumerism kills us at the roots.
Look at how
every dispute circles ethnicity.
Look at how
they fuse hatred with raw publicity.
Look at how
the framework for discussion has been soiled.
Look at how
the power of the people has been foiled.

At the end of your term
we all will decide. 
We’ll take another vote on whether
you should live or die.
I’ll put your heart on a stake.
We’ll put your head on display.

We are taking a very remote view
on something that hits home.

More regrets keep piling up every day

Irsin Kast is no economist.
But out of sheer principle,
I’m wondering why no politician is working
on an ACTUAL plan to take back
the surplus amounts of funds
that are safely tucked away with the 1%?

Their financial structures are fraudulent by nature,
but so finely constructed and protected,
that they seemingly can’t be touched.
Even though it is clear that the real deficit is created just there.
And maybe only there.
That should be the focus area.

Could it be that our politician’s interests
are too much intertwined with the fate of the rich?
Our representatives are getting paid
top dollar and euro
to screw us – the 99% – over
in the name of the 1%,
and still we keep voting for them.
We’re losing our wages,
our social protection
and ultimately,
our right to truly exist
in the process.

I’m not the first to say this.
But I will keep on repeating it.
It is often stated that
the consumer market is the new religion of the west.
Shouldn’t we apply the secular principle here
as well?
A God free
and economy free government,
that serves the people’s interests
in the wider spectrum.

In my opinion
spirituality should be a pure personal conviction
or a supportive system
that unites people for other reasons than social order.
Free of the judgment it now often emits.

As far as the economy
and more specifically
the market mechanisms go,
I believe
they should not be left to algorithms
and, let’s face it: sheer gambling.
It should be a system that supports
the organization of public order.
A slave to the state,
not a ruler of it.

Why on earth even
should a market exist
to generate and shift around money?
Money was developed as a tool
to support and facilitate trade,
not as a goal in itself.
Is it too far-reaching to say
that the stock-market should be outlawed
because it conflicts with human rights?

The right to wildly consume whatever pleases us,
is not in the interest of everyone
and most certainly an infringement
of the freedom of others.
Of many, actually.
Moderation and rationing
should be our new mindset
if we insist on inhabiting a planet
with over 7 billion people.
Concepts that conflict with the average of human nature maybe?
But maybe we can self-induce
a new stage of evolution
for the benefit of all?

What kind of vote do we have left to cast?
What can set this wheel in motion?
If we don’t reboot our thinking,
something else will do it for us.
That’s how it works
if you keep disrupting a balance.
Something will bounce back.

My only regret is
that the devastation
will not be top-down,
but the other way around.