I’ve given up so much of my senses that it frightens me at times. But I feel all that much the lighter. Like I’ve thrown off huge piles of excess baggage that were slowing me down. And that’s what it always seems to boil down to. Letting go. Infested with principle and dedications. Crawling and breeding inside me like roaches in a rotting shutter.
How willing and delighted I would be to give you the keys. But these things can not be told or instructed. They have to be lived and experienced. The blanks can only be filled out by what you fail to express in your ways. Or what I fail to mention or stick to my words.
If I let myself be lured into the arrogance of trying to convey the irrevocable, I stare at myself from the other side. I see me as you, looking at me and blaming me, as me, for not being clear on the subject. I feel, being you, that I expected more from you, as in me.
I can only let you down as much as I don’t want to.