On a desolate mountaintop

My soul lives 

on an abandoned mountaintop 
far away from the toils 
of everyday live 
and it is becoming 
more and more 
of a recluse 
with every day that passes. 
It runs with the wolves 
and it resides under the towering firs 
in a simple cabin. 
Where that empty wilderness
used to frighten me 
I now have found 
it is just a logical outcome for me. 
The way to go 
after where I’ve been. 
This place is far from loneliness. 
It is crawling and bursting with purity. 
Even from that isolated 
austere place 
it speaks to me 
and I hear its warm voice 
without interruption. 
I’ve never felt 
a deeper consolation 
than the knowledge 
of that unbreakable connection. 
The tiniest sprout 
has pushed from the seed 
I have planted many years ago 
and it has taken me ages 
to nurture it to what it has become. 
Sappy and green 
and lush. 
Glowing with energy 
and rapture. 
Full of nowness. 
And it calls me 
by my true name 
which no one else 