I’m not all that much for
farfetched conspiracy theories
but the funny thing is
that the wildest guesses of the most
paranoiac elements amongst us
often turn out to be
very close to the truth.
Here’s one.
The economic instability in the world
is a calculated means
to deflect public attention
away from environmental issues
because the energy suppliers
and especially the most polluting ones
feel threatened by the changing mindset.
They would rather see
the world go to hell
than lose business.
They are unwilling to change
their business model
before all the fossil resources are depleted
and their profit has been maximized.
It is the same strategy
the conglomerates have used
in forcing politicians into
exaggerating the supposed ‘global’ threat
of terrorism
to submerge the populations in fear
and provide free reign
for the execution of
the more obscure policies.
We’ll have one hell of a time
turning that around.
If it’s not too late already.
If I were less of a peace monger
I’d say that there might be a need
for the re-enactment
or a new stage
in the activities of the
Earth Liberation Front.
You know them.
They were the guys that sabotaged
the machines
that are still destroying the rain forest.
(I hope they are still being sabotaged as well)
A new stage could be
a series of assassinations.
Killing the top percentile
of the financial world
and all their successors.
That might stimulate some of them
or maybe all of them
to better redistribute
and more importantly
Concentration of power
is always a bad idea.
There has not been
one single exception
to this.
So even if killing the lot
seems like a harsh idea
it might be
the only course of action left
for the powerless.
Before everything becomes
totally pointless.
If only I were less
of a peace monger.