Being confident
will get us nowhere
but to those places
we would prefer to avoid
if we knew any better.
Which we don’t.
I feel conspired upon.
Someone is dumbing us all down
and they have guised it as
free will.
Executing your right to freedom.
It’s nothing new.
But this is:
“no more of that shit please”.
Accusing others of expecting
more and more
is not the same as the silent bugs
that tiptoe into you as
you yourself expect more
and more
from what transpires around you.
The ideal becomes the standard.
The norms rocket.
I, for one,
can not keep up anymore.
Something is tugging on my mind.
Showing me,
in things that are far bigger than words,
that there is a broader spectrum on the rise.
An expansion of consciousness.
A disclosure.
And all I can do,
except to wait for it,
is regress further into harmony,
which will make me more impressionable
once it arrives.
It will not be a reward.
It will be a present.