Bust the union

It is really cold
isn’t it.
Some one percent 
is hauling it in. 
The rest dangles 
from the trees. 
Hanging out to dry 
or something. 
No stranger than 
southern fruit. 
No different from it. 
As color is no longer 
a discriminating component 
in this here dusk. 
This is all of 
an unprecedented blackness. 
The new weight 
is ownership. 
The heavier you are 
the harder to hang. 
Everybody has bought into it 
for the promise of a chance 
at the title.
This is a clever arrangement 
with a huge contingency of failure 
and an even larger circle of collateral. 
They will take it all 
and blame you for being 
so stupid and careless. 
For signing the contract. 
It almost seems devised 
to serve the purpose 
of scraping the flesh 
off the bones. 
Every single acquisition 
gets lost to the method. 
The family land too. 
You’d expect it to be normal 
for a human to work 
reasonable hours, 
buy a minimum 
of healthy foods, 
a minimal wardrobe 
and in the course of, 
let’s say 25 years, 
pay off a loan on a house. 
So that he would own it 
and have at least 
some financial security 
for those days that no longer allow him 
to do the work anymore. 
This would demand 
a combination of 
fair wages for his work 
and fair markets of 
consumer goods, 
and real estate. 
It doesn’t seem 
as if that one percent 
will be giving anything up 
anytime soon. 
It doesn’t seem 
as if those ninety-nine percent 
will be understanding 
anytime soon
that there is 
no chance 
at the title 
for them. 
There is no place 
you can look 
that isn’t 
either perished 
or infected. 
I think that is the most depressing thing. 
I think that is 
as a system 
hasn’t worked yet. 
And by the looks of it 
it never will. 
On average, 
nobility is futile 
and love doesn’t stick. 
And I feel like 
a repulsive parasite 
for my faculty 
to even say this. 
We all have 
a disemboweled potential 
that excuses us from 
any real concern. 
Oh mercy me. 
And mercy on us all.