It has always been
our world
before our first ideas
had developed.
After our last breath
has been expelled.
It is not real.
Stacked with
flaws and
But it is our world.
The most wonderful
and colourful one.
No heaven or hell.
No ceilings or floors.
It is everywhere
and it is there
for us.
It is where we hover
unbound and unseen.
Where we long to be
all those things we are
not allowed to be.
Doesn’t it strike you
as strange that we try to have
a definition of reality?
I believe there are
no means to achieve such travesty.
Imagine taking a decision
by wilfully choosing to
half the facts presented,
doesn’t that make your perception
of reality in that decision,
an illusion?
If I follow my reasoning
from that point on
don’t you think that
if you make a judgement on
what reality should or could be
based on all the known facts
(not only known to you, but to all of us)
without taking all the unknown facts
(not known to any of us, but
not less real or less possible)
which might be infinite
into account…
… don’t you think
that judgement is wrong
by the same standards?
I mean
how can you pin down reality
without considering
all the other dimensions
all the other dimensions
it moves in
without our knowledge?
How can we know what is right?
How can we deem things
morally wrong
when they feel
overly right?
I don’t know.
I only feel like there is more than
what we think is true.
Why is it
so complicated?